
  • SVG and JavaScript Implementation of the Devil Blink Animation
    SVG and JavaScript Implementation of the Devil Blink Animation
    Today I want to bring you a very realistic SVG animation effect, which simulates a pair of demon eyes and a non-stop blinking animation. First of all, the demon eyes are drawn by SVG, mostly using SVG elliptical paths. Then JavaScript is used to make the eyes blink, so let's see if the effect is very realistic and interesting.
    BY Joseph 7 Jan,2021 SVG
  • How to Implement HTML5 SVG Column Chart With Progress Animation
    How to Implement HTML5 SVG Column Chart With Progress Animation
    Today we introduce to you a horizontal column statistical chart based on HTML5 and SVG. Its characteristic is that each data group has a different color representation, and each group of data has a different percentage to represent. The chart has the animation effect of the progress bar when it is initialized, so you can also use it as a progress bar.
    BY Randy 30 Nov,2020 SVG HTML5 Progress Bar
  • How to Implement a Voting Scoring Plugin With Emoticons in CSS3 SVG
    How to Implement a Voting Scoring Plugin With Emoticons in CSS3 SVG
    The voting scoring plugin to be introduced today is based on CSS3 and SVG. It is characterized by different expressions for different ratings. For example, 1 star is a lost expression, and 5 is a cool expression.
    BY Kenneth 13 Nov,2020 SVG
