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How to Make 3D Animation of Particle Spiral Lines in HTML5 Canvas
BY Robert4 Nov,2020

Today I will bring you a cool HTML5 Canvas animation, which consists of several basic animations, one is particle animation and the other is spiral animation. The first is to combine the pixel particles into a spiral line on the canvas drawing board, and then use JavaScript to move the particles to visually form an animation special effect of the spiral line fluctuation.


How to Make 3D Animation of Particle Spiral Lines in HTML5 Canvas
Css Code
body {
  background: #203656;
  margin: 0;
#target { background: #203656; }                        
Js Code
var c = createjs, stage = new c.StageGL("target"), t=0, count=0, w, h, max, min;
var dotR = 8, amp0Amt=1, amp1Amt=0.2, maxDots=2000, speed=2.5;
c.Ticker.timingMode = c.Ticker.RAF;
c.Ticker.on("tick", tick);

var dotTemplate, dots=[];

while (dots.length < maxDots) {

function tick(evt) {
	var d = evt.delta;

	var fov = min*1;
	for (var i=0, l=dots.length; i<l; i++) {
		var dot = dots[i];
		var t = (dot.t += d*0.0001*speed*dot.speed);
		var x = t%1*w-w/2;
		x += Math.cos(t*dot.p1)*min*dot.a1*amp1Amt;
		var y = Math.sin(t*Math.PI*4+Math.PI)*min*dot.r*0.25;
		y += Math.sin(t*dot.p1)*min*dot.a1*amp1Amt
		var z = Math.cos(t*Math.PI*4+Math.PI)*min*dot.r*0.25;
		z += Math.cos(t*dot.p1)*min*dot.a1*amp1Amt;
		var s = fov/(z+fov);
		x *= s;
		y *= s;
		dot.x = x+w/2;
		dot.y = y+h/2;
		dot.getChildAt(1).alpha = 1-s;
		dot.scaleX = dot.scaleY = Math.pow(s*(1+dot.size),2)*0.3;
