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HTML5 Canvas Image Particle Hourglass Animation
BY Jason15 Jan,2021

This time we are going to bring you a picture particle hourglass animation based on HTML5 Canvas, which mainly breaks a picture into particles and then simulates an hourglass to drop the picture particles down.


HTML5 Canvas Image Particle Hourglass Animation
HTML Body Code
textureBefore.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
  textureAfter.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;

  var material = new BAS.BasicAnimationMaterial({
    side: THREE.DoubleSide,
    vertexColors: THREE.VertexColors,
    uniforms: {
      uTime: { type: 'f', value: 0 },
      uSize: { type: 'vf2', value: [width, height] },
      mapBefore: { type: 't', value: textureBefore },
      mapAfter: { type: 't', value: textureAfter }
    vertexFunctions: [BAS.ShaderChunk['ease_quad_in_out'], BAS.ShaderChunk['ease_quad_in'], BAS.ShaderChunk['ease_quad_out']],
    vertexParameters: '\n      uniform float uTime;\n      uniform vec2 uSize;\n      uniform sampler2D mapBefore;\n      uniform sampler2D mapAfter;\n      attribute vec4 aPosition;\n      const float interval = ' + INTERVAL + ';\n      const float durationStart = ' + DURATION_START + ';\n      const float durationEnd = ' + DURATION_END + ';\n      const float totalTime = durationStart + interval + durationEnd;\n      const float speed = 60.;\n      const float minWeight = 0.3;\n      const float fallSpeed = 4.;\n      const float xSpeed = 0.03;\n      const float spreadPosition = 0.03;\n    ',
    vertexInit: '\n      vec2 texelCoord = (aPosition.xy + uSize / 2.) / uSize;\n      vec4 texelBefore = texture2D(mapBefore, texelCoord);\n      vec4 texelAfter = texture2D(mapAfter, texelCoord);\n      float bottom = aPosition.y - uSize.y * 1.8;\n      float time = uTime / 50.;\n      float tTime = mod(time, totalTime);\n      float doubleTime = mod(time, totalTime * 2.);\n      float isReverse = step(totalTime, doubleTime);\n      float progress = max(tTime - durationStart, 0.);\n      float nProgress = progress / interval;\n      float move = progress * speed;\n      float weightBefore = pow(1. - texelBefore.r * texelBefore.g * texelBefore.b, 2.) * (1. - minWeight) + minWeight;\n      float weightAfter = pow(1. - texelAfter.r * texelAfter.g * texelAfter.b, 2.) * (1. - minWeight) + minWeight;\n      float order = pow(abs(aPosition.x) / (uSize.x * 0.5), 2.) * 40.;\n      float fall = max(-aPosition.y - uSize.y / 2. + move - order, 0.) * (aPosition.w * 0.2 + 1.) * (0.3 + nProgress) * fallSpeed;\n      float y = aPosition.y - fall * mix(weightBefore, weightAfter, easeQuadIn(min(fall, -bottom) / -bottom)) - move + order * clamp(progress, 0., 1.);\n      float offsetY = easeQuadOut(clamp(tTime / durationStart, 0., 1.)) * uSize.y * 0.9;\n      float endOffsetY = easeQuadIn(clamp((tTime - (durationStart + interval)) / durationEnd, 0., 1.)) * uSize.y * 0.9;\n    ',
    vertexPosition: '\n      transformed.x += aPosition.x / (1. + fall * xSpeed * max(1. - max(-y + (bottom * (1. - spreadPosition)), 0.) / (-bottom * spreadPosition), 0.));\n      transformed.y += max(y, bottom) + offsetY + endOffsetY;\n      transformed.z += aPosition.z;\n    ',
    vertexColor: '\n      vec4 colorBefore = texelBefore * (1. - isReverse) + texelAfter * isReverse;\n      vec4 colorAfter = texelBefore * isReverse + texelAfter * (1. - isReverse);\n      vColor = mix(colorBefore.rgb, colorAfter.rgb, smoothstep(-uSize.y / 2., bottom, y));\n    '
  material.uniforms['mapBefore'].value.needsUpdate = true;
  material.uniforms['mapAfter'].value.needsUpdate = true;                        
Css Code
body {
  height: 100%;

body {
  overflow: hidden;
  margin: 0;
  background-color: #000;

canvas {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 50%;
  -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, 0);
          transform: translate(-50%, 0);
