On web pages, text is the main means of information description. We can set basic attributes such as font, size, and color of text. The emergence of the CSS3 standard allows text to have more styles and even some complex animations. Today we are going to share with you a text effect based on CSS3 card folding style. Each letter is like a folded card connected together. After th…
In HTML5, not only can graphics and animations be drawn on Canvas, but also various cool text animation effects can be realized. This time we are sharing a text animation based on HTML5 Canvas. This text animation is to hang the text on a thin flexible line. Drag the text with the mouse to make it bounce in all directions.
We have shared a lot of text effects based on HTML5 and CSS3 before. The text effects we shared today are also based on Canvas. When the text is loaded, the text is composed of countless radial lines, forming a luminous effect.
This is a cartoon text animation that uses CSS3 animation features and Google font library. First, Google’s font library is introduced, so that we can use the "Luckiest Guy" font in css, which embodies the cartoon style. Then use CSS3 to display the text according to the arc path, and then use the animation feature of CSS3 to make the text display using jump-in and fa…